Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Family Reunion Directions

Directions to the campsite for the Family Reunion
(Remember this is the Wyoming Desert until you get to the campground, which is very nice)

Leaving from Barbara’s house in Evanston Wyoming (113 Hillside Drive)
(R) Red Mountain Road to
(L) Highway 89 to
(L) Bear River Drive (this is a stop-light)
(L) to I-80 East entrance @ Flying J Truck Stop
On I-80 this is 26.6 miles from where you entered
Exit Bigelow Road exit 30 which is just before Fort Bridger

Go approximately 1.6 miles during this next set of directionsTurn (R) off exit and Road will turn into a dirt/gravel road #202

Pass Windmills and an electrical station then turn (L) on Route 207 which is between two
wooden posts with barbed wire on the sides

Special Note the Rt. 207 sign is hard to read with bullet holes throughout it and it is not seen until after you turn I think...yes, very true

Go 5.8 miles and watch
for a fork in the road

Stay (L) at the fork and
watch for cows!

Go on about .6 more miles until you come to a T in the road.
(L) at the T merge (L) at the T and prepare to go very slow

*Go very slowly to the left because there will be a sharp (R) turn and a steep downgrade with one hairpin turn!!
From the T you will go about 2.5 miles (This is very approximate since Barbara forgot to give us the mileage here. Oops, Sorry!) Go over a tiny bridge and you will enter an area with Pine trees on both sides of the road; a very bumpy road here.
(Adrianna loved it.)

(R) Turn on Blacks Forks River Access Area a paved road……. Yeah - Highway # 271 (the paved road is only for a short distance then back to gravel. The route changes numbers here to 768 so do not worry about the numbers just look for a white sign that says: Uinta County Youth Camp 11 miles
and you know your on the right road

Off to the sides of this road you may see the Wyoming state flower, which is the Indian Paint Brush.
It has small orange flowers that look like a weed.
Also look for prairie dogs
Watch for vehicles grating the road. They do not move for you and they take the entire road! Also beware of the cattle that walk across the road since it is an open range
Go approximately 11 miles and look for a green goal post type entry on the (L)

(L) turn under the goal post entry with a sign that says:
Uinta County Youth Camp Established 1972

Go approximately .6 of a mile You will cross a bridge near the end of the .6 of a mile and just past it on the left is another goal post sign that says River Campground. Turn (L) at that fork and go under the sign about .6 of a mile longer and you will see the meeting house camp building. Celebrate you made it!!!

If you want the easy way to get to the site with less dirt roads and more mileage:
Take I-80 to the Fort Bridger exit #34
(R) turn go approximately 5 miles to the 4 Way (flashing light) Stop sign
(R) turn on Highway #414 go to 3 miles to Mountain View
(R ) turn onto Highway #410 past Robertson (approximately 12 miles) then follow all directions turning (L) at the Blacks Fork River Access onto Highway #271

Go 5.8 miles and watch for a fork in the road

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kansas City Skyline

This is the Kansas City Skyline as taken from Scott's hotel. The four pillars on the left hand side of the screen (behind the cranes) are Bartle Hall, my home away from home.

Liberty Jail

The walls of the jail were four feet thick, two feet of mortared rock, one foot of loose rock and one foot of wood timbers. Later, the cellar was used as an ice house, becauce it stayed so cold all the time - it was like living in a freezer.
You can also barely make out a representation of Joseph Smith sitting at a writing table. The light was not very good for pictures.

The upper room of the jail, where the guards were locked in with the prisoners.

One sign at the jail proclaimed that it was a "Temple Jail" because it was here that Joseph Smith recieved some of his most profound revelations.

Far West

One of the cornerstones of the Temple

This sign told us that this corner stone stood for the lesser priesthood.

A second stood for the higher priesthood, a third for the seventy and a fourth for the apostles.


Tuesday, on my day off, we drove the hour and a half to Adam-Ondi-Ahman. We had a nice picnic lunch and visited Spring Hill and Tower Hill. We even read the 116th section of the Doctrine and Covenants while we were there. (You'll have to look it us yourselves).

Valley Overlook

Tower Hill - Where Joseph Smith found remnants of an old Nephite altar.

Kansas City

The sister missionary who took us around the visitor's center pointed out that in this Christus statue, his hands and outstretched and his head is up, signifying that he is opening up the millenium.
Patrick and Ella
Maggie and Scott

We visited Independence and the LDS Visitor's Center on Sunday after church. Scott only got lost three times getting us there.